Where Ninth-Grade Lust Will Get You (Sometimes)
I was sitting in the back row of ninth-grade math class and passing notes with my friend Rob, who liked Pearl Jam as much as I did. Rob and I were not exactly troublemakers but we were also definitely not Cool Kids and school was just so stupid and we were sort of mischievous. So …
Space in the Space (Center, Part 4)
At the end of this post, I’m going to take you to the beach. It’s a beautiful beach, too… …and I, for one, will be glad to get there. We all need something to look forward to. So there’s my promise: Beach trip. Very soon. In order to get there, though, first I need to tell …
Beg, Steal or Borrow (Song Series #19)
These are the last days of summer, whatever the schoolbuses, candle stores, and Pumpkin Ales may tell you. Don’t be rushed by the makers of seasonal markers: This is the liminal space of crickets and figs ripening. The ripening, too, of summer musings into autumn doings. Interesting things happen in middle-times. Liminal spaces are an …